Thursday, March 22, 2007

Long White Dresses

Recently had my first experience trying on wedding gowns (or as I like to call them, "long white dresses.") Last weekend, I went to have a "rough draft" session at a low-end chain bridal shop. While the salesperson was very nice, the dresses were not to my liking (what's up with all the strapless, beaded crap?) In any case, I left the store feeling like a dressless, beached whale (mental note: fake bake before next session).
The next session was today, a spontaneous decision brought on by a challenging week with my students, a free night, and late hours at the bridal salon. This session was vastly different from the last one, and I really enjoyed myself. Here are a few reasons why:
1. The dressing rooms were like small condominiums, with flattering lighting and lots of strong hooks on the walls.
2. The lighting made my ring look extra sparkly. :)
3. I did not act like a Bridezilla, so the woman who helped me did not act like Shopgirlzilla. In fact, she was lovely.
4. I found out that I am almost the perfect "sample" size, which means I can try on anything on the floor and it fits well.
5. The dress I liked best was the cheapest of the bunch. (still, it cost as much as an average round-trip ticket to Hawaii)
6. The staff kept having reasons to refer to my "fiance, " which always sounds so nice, I have to admit. (Sometimes Seatmate calls me "Fiance" or "Future Wife" just because he knows it makes my toes curl. :)

But the best reason of all:

The salon also carries prom gowns, so there were tons of teeny bopper girls and their mothers in there, looking around. Every time I would emerge from my dressing room in a gorgeous gown, there were lots of gasps, oohs and aahs. The girls would say, "Look! She's getting married." And, "Ooh look Mom, there's a bride." And I would stand there on my pedestal (yes, they actually have pedestals) and look all bridely and glowy and happy.

What fun!

So here's my recent observation: There are tons of unworn/unaltered dresses on ebay and craigslist because some girl has bought a dress, and then changed her mind and decided on a different dress. Some of the first-purchase gowns cost upwards of $4000! How in the world could you NOT be serious about blowing four grand on a GARMENT that you are going to wear ONCE? These are probably the grown-up versions of those twits on "My Sweet Sixteen." In any case, even though I found a gorgeous, reasonably-priced gown today, it doesn't mean that I am going to pounce on it like a cheetah and fore go all the fun of trying on every last non-beaded, non-strapless gown in this damn city! I think those poor "two-dress" souls have gotten a case of a disease I like to call "Seeingmyselfinaweddinggownforthefirsttimeandlosingallsenseofreason" syndrome. I was discussing this problem with a young colleague at work today, who is also planning her wedding. In retrospect, I am glad I didn't insult the "two-dress" girls too much...

Turns out, my colleague's FIRST dress is on ebay for $2000. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.