Monday, February 4, 2008

Important Warning

Last night during the (boring) Superbowl, there was a funny commercial with a guy who gets out of his car and attaches jumper cables to his engine, and then to his nipples. He supposedly is able to power up the car and its speakers with just his energy. But the part that makes the commercial so funny is that in small text at the bottom of the screen, it reads "Do not attempt." :)

1 comment:

Echomouse said...

I just read your entire blog. You are too funny :)

Linking you so I don't lose you.

{{HUG}} to you and your Parents. I especially liked what you wrote about capitalizing Mom and Dad. I agree and always try to do the same. Sometimes I forget but mostly not.

Thanks for finding me. Please don't hesitate to write me directly if you ever feel the need.